RC Copper


RC Copper

Copper Oxychloride 50% WP

It is highly effective fungicide based on copper oxy chloride containing 50% w/w copper content and balance adjuvants

Reccomnded for use as per CIB
Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (Ltr) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest in days Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In
AI (kg) Formulation (kg)
GRAPES DOWNY MILDEW 1.25 2.5 750-1000
POTATO EARLY BLIGHT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
LATE BLIGHT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
COFFEE BLACK ROT 1.87-3.75 3.75-7.5 750-1000
RUST 1.87-3.75 3.75-7.5 750-1000
BANANA FRUIT ROT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
LEAF SPOT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
TOMATO EARLY BLIGHT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
LATE BLIGHT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
LEAF SPOT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
TOBACCO DOWNY MILDEW 1.25 2.5 750-1000
BLACK SANK 1.25 2.5 750-1000
FROG EYE LEAF 1.25 2.5 750-1000
COCONUT BUD ROT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
CITRUS LEAF SPOT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
CANKER 1.25 2.5 750-1000
BETEL FOOT ROT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
LEAF SPOT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
CHILLIES LEAF SPOT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
FRUIT ROT 1.25 2.5 750-1000
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